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Barracco Museum

Barone Giovanni Barracco donated his personal collection to the city of Rome in 1902 together with the building which housed it at that time, which was built by the Architect Koch on Corso Vittorio Emanuele and demolished in 1938 when this area was redeveloped. In 1948 the collection was rehoused in its present building, "The Piccola Farnesina" or "Farnesina dei Baullari", attributed to Antonio da Sangallo the Younger.
The original building, which has bossed stonework on the ground and upper floor, was given a new facade on Corso Vittorio Emanuele between 1898 and 1901 by Enrico Gui.

Head of Alexander the Great (II sec. A.D.)

Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 166